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It's lean and mean, but is it green? EU plans clampdown on car ads

It's a staple of the glossy magazine: the eye-catching spread selling the latest Chelsea tractor or high-performance German road machine. But the luxury car advert looks likely to become much less attractive under green...


Green energy 'revolution' needed

"A leading energy body is calling for a $45 trillion (£23 trillion) green revolution to tackle global warming."


US climate change bill is blocked

"A US attempt to establish a system of caps and tax relief to cut carbon emissions has been blocked in Congress."

Category: Climate Change


Ministers hint at road tax U-turn

The government is preparing to reverse its plan to increase duty on older, more polluting cars in response to a growing backbench rebellion, two cabinet ministers hinted today.


Put UK airport expansion on hold

"The government should completely rethink its aviation policy and shelve plans to expand Heathrow and Stansted airports, according to an influential advisory body. The Sustainable Development Commission, chaired by Sir Jonathon...

Displaying results 846 to 850 out of 1185